Pubgm India |Pubg mobile India Beta Version Download
Pubgm india
Pubgm india has been release a small peak of pubg india whole india has waiting for that and here’s pubg release the peak for whole india.
everyone has waiting for that movement when pubg release the beta version and yesterday pubg has change their insta Youtube and facebook name from PUBGM india to Battle Ground India and that make indian studens so happy. finally it has to release
PUBG working with krafton gaming company for releasing pubg mobile in india and we’ve a little information about their new android requirement and file size release date and all.
pubgm india features
Pubg Mobile india comes with more new features that we can see in test version as soon it will release but the some old features that will stay in this version was
Royal Pass(RP) royal pass is one of the best feature in pubg you’ve to purchase RP for getting new Outfits Skins Gun Skins Plan Skin and its best feature you just have to purchase RP only 1 time in life. you’ll get mission on daily bases you have to complete them and then you earn RP poinst.
Ranking – Ranking is one of the best feature too it allow you to rank all over the world with all your skills and all your potential you can rank in all over the world it’ll make you famous and with that feature you can get more subscriber and views on youtube. you have to play daily matches and win them to rank over the world.
Pubgm india Ranking system depend on you how long you can survive in battle field if you win you will get rank points that allow you to rank up when u reach conqueror league you will get the top players rank all over the world and that can make you famous so much. it’s one of the best feature of pubg mobile inda
Outfit and Skins – Outfit and skins allow you to wear new new outfit and get you new gun skins to show your friends and enemy its a feature for choosing your loved outfit and gun skins also for showing off in your friends.
Training Ground – Pubg mobile india has a feature of training ground where u can improve your skills in no time it’s one of the best feature that pubg mobile gives us. you can improve your skills and show in Classic matches it help you to rank up fast
Play – you can play pubgm india with your friends sister brother and also random players to it’ll provide you Squad Play, Dou and solo play you can play in any of them.all of them have the ranking system that help you to get the ranking system
Server – Pubg mobile india may only have one server ASIA. cause of new version that only for india and we know when it release.
pubg mobile india will come with more features that will make you so much happy and exited to play pubg. it’s the best game that i ever play.
Pubgm india Requirement
here’s the requirement for android device user they are similar to old version
- Ram :- 2GB
- CPU – Snapdragon 600
- Storage – 3GB
- Network –200kbps Upload/Download
- Android – 6.0+
these are the requirement to play this version
pubgm india release date
pubg mobile india release date expected is 20May2021. yes before 20 may we will get pubg mobile india beta version for test if your visiting this blog before 20 may so please wait if after 20 may then u can download pubgm india from below we already have inserted the download link below. Enjoy
pubgm india download link
Hello everyone thank you for visiting my blogs pubgm india beta version is not released yet when it’ll release we will provide you the download link.
Click Here for download :- pubgm india
link will inserted when it released please subscribe us via email for get updated
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